a Product Designer with over 10 years experience crafting digital products & services in agencies, startups & large corporations


International payments app
Senior UI/UX Designer
1 year
iOS & Android
A launched iOS & Android app
Working as a Lead UI/UX Designer on an innovative FX app and desktop platform for NatWest customers called CurrencyPay. Responsible for leading the design and user experience of the mobile application. Developed UI styleguides to drive the brand forward, successfully implemented a design system and component library. Working alongside a Service Designer to embed user testing practises, running workshops and encouraging a design ethos within an agile environment.
1.0 Business case & CUSTOMER PAIN POINTS
CurrencyPay was originally built as a browser based international payment tool. However, further research with customers indicated they wanted the ability to access payment features on a native app. The app was also needed to comply with PSD2 regulations, allowing the user to login and authenticate through the app instead of using a hard token.

We were tasked with creating an on boarding journey to move customers onto the new mobile app, replacing the hard token with the more secure, compliant soft token. Secondly, to define the mobile styleguide and create a design system as additional payment functionality is gradually rolled out onto the app.
2.0 Discovery
A series of workshop sessions were kicked off involving designers, developers and stakeholders early on in the process. Quick and dirty wires were produced to convey ideas before more complex user flows were put together to present to the wider team.
3.0 Prototyping
Once the flow has been locked down, high fidelity prototypes were produced to test out potential designs with customers. As we began to build out the on boarding journey, assumptions were captured along the way. These were then turned into hypotheses which can then be tested and validated before we begin build.
4.0 Test & learn
After conducting multiple rounds of usability testing with customers we were able to gain insight on the on boarding journey and additional app functionality. This was an iterative process and allowed us to continuously prototype and test our assumptions until we were confident our customers would be able to navigate seamlessly through the journey.
5.0 Develop >_
The UI is finalised and signed off only once we were satisfied with the testing and feedback from customers.The designs were then handed over to developers for build. Daily review sessions with both designers and developers were scheduled in order to maintain design consistency before being released to customers.
6.0 The end result
The app was successfully launched for both iOS and Android enabling customers to login securely and authenticate payments. Key success metrics were met as CurrencyPay became PSD2 compliant and customers did not have to rely on outdated hard token authentication. From a design perspective, a blueprint and design system had been created for the mobile experience which complimented the desktop version. Exploratory work had also been carried out on additional features such as transaction history and making payments to form part of a backlog.

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